Quantified expected results and impacts

Achieving the production of humic amendments and antioxidants from the biooil and solid biofuels (biochar) from different types of biomass. During the project it is estimated to use 1000 tons of forest biomass (reduction of 1057 tons of CO2 by fossil fuels substitution effect). The biorefinery will convert 100 tons of biomass to 25 tons of biochar and to 50 tons of biooil (with a total content of polyphenols (antioxidants) of 70g gallic acid eq. per kg), depending on the operating conditions and the feedstock.

Implementation of 45 ha of pilot forest stands (15ha aleppo pine, 10ha shrubland and 10ha mixed species, total 1350 biomass tons) in different areas for demonstration and transfer of innovative forestry techniques, with eligible species and biomass (eg. bark) for the biorefinery.

Improvement of economic feasibility of post-fire forests of aleppo pine and cork oak combined cork production and shrub understory management. It is expected to increase the economic feasibility with the market price of the antioxidants to boost the forest management. Polyphenols have an antioxidant capacity that has been incorporated as functional ingredient in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries and these compounds have a growing market with prices ranging from 30 to 175€/kg.

Communication and transference: 1 final event – workshops, 2 Open Days sessions addressed to all stakeholders, 3 participation at European conferences and 3 at national level. 3 EU networking experiences and different dissemination events to spread the role of biomassa. Production of leaflets, a project website, activities in social media, newsletters (8) and presence in media (radio, television, and local newspapers). 4 papers will be also published. The material used for dissemination purposes will consider as the main priority the digital format instead of printed documents, reducing the carbon footprint.

Improvement of forest health and productivity (increase of tree growth rate and the relative water content of foliage) of the managed forest stands reducing its vulnerability to climate change.

Improvement of forest ecosystem services such as water regulation and carbon sink capacity.

Reduction of fire risk in Aleppo pine forests, cork oak and shrublands by reducing the amount of biomass fuel and increasing the relative water content of remaining vegetation.

Providing forest administration and private users of economic, social and environment related tools to support decision-making to enhance adaptation to climate change in forest policy, improving the current policy and legislation framework.

Creating a more sustainable rural and local economic activity with social benefits: at least 3 direct jobs operating the biorefinery, as well as indirect jobs from the forest works which are accounted as 6 wages/ha.

Increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of the general public and European actors on the treated problem and the solutions provided by the project.